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Your Voice Is an Amazing Tool

October 11, 2013

Voice Attunement Graphic2 400xHave you thought of your voice as a tool? As a way to connect and communicate? I don’t mean the words you say, but your actual voice.

Your voice is something you use every day, unless you’re on silent retreat. And every time you use your voice you’re having an effect whether you think about it or not. How loud, how soft. How sharp, how gentle. How fast, how slow.

These are some of the many ways your voice is shaped as it reaches out to the people you speak to.  These qualities of voice can have more effect on how you’re received and what you communicate than the actual content of what you’re saying. The quality of your voice communicates warmth or distance, appreciation or rejection, kindness or indifference, ease or fear. And that subliminal message speaks louder than words.

And if  you speak to people in your work, which most of us do, the use of your voice is working for or against you every day, allowing you to be heard or reflecting your desire to hide. Your voice is an acoustic mirror reflecting to others how you see yourself.

One of the things I love to do is to help  professionals use their voices consciously, on purpose, in a way that is connected and real and engenders trust.  One of the places I do this is in my workshop, “Your Invisible Tool: Voice”. If you’d like to know more about this, you can check it out HERE.

What does your voice communicate when you speak? Does it match what you’re saying? Is it open and inviting? What are the qualities of your voice that speak louder than your words?

If you are an entrepreneur, a corporate warrior, a webinar presenter or a caregiver and would like to empower your voice, schedule a complementary meeting to discuss how I might help you to communicate more powerfully and authentically.

© 2013 Naaz Hosseini. All Rights Reserved. Copying or reposting this content without written permission is strictly prohibited

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About the Author:

Naaz HosseiniNaaz Hosseini is a singer, dancer, psychotherapist, and voice empowerment coach. She developed Powerful Presence™ coaching to help corporate and entrepreneurial women step into their vocal power to command the attention and respect they deserve. As a NYS Licensed Psychoanalyst and Qualified Gestalt Therapist, she supervises and trains mental health counselors at Teachers College Columbia University and therapists at the Gestalt Center for Psychotherapy and Training. She served as visiting faculty at the Harvard Graduate School of Education Project Zero Summer Institute for ten years where Howard Gardner has said, "With enthusiasm, I recommend Naaz Hosseini, a pioneer in using the voice and the body for understanding."

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